Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Laut Menghangat Bikin Populasi Ikan Berkurang

Singapura - Studi baru menunjukkan, meningkatnya suhu laut secara acak di beberapa bagian dunia berdampak pada populasi ikan yang semakin berkurang jumlahnya.
Laut yang menghangat membuat pertumbuhan ikan terhambat. Parahnya, hal ini bisa meningkatkan stres bahkan risiko kematian ikan.
Hasil studi ini berdasarkan penelitan ilmuwan Australia yang berfokus pada spesies ikan Morwong di Laut Tasman, di antara Australia dan Selandia Baru.
Para ilmuwan menemukan, pertumbuhan ikan Morwong di beberapa wilayah melambat akibat naiknya suhu air laut hingga dua derajat celcius dalam kurun 60 tahun terakhir.
Penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal Nature Climate Change ini mengungkapkan, selain ikan Morwong, efek perubahan suhu juga berdampak pada jenis ikan lain dan terumbu karang.
"Sektor perikanan akan rugi besar,” papar Ron Thresher dari badan penelitian CSIRO.
Seperti dikutip Reuters, "Melalui penelitian ini, kami menemukan bukti pertumbuhan ikan melambat dan stres pada ikan mencapai ambang batas,” tutupnya

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Climate Change Population Increase Feather Worm

Climate change, especially the environmental temperature influence the population of caterpillars, because of increasing temperatures can accelerate the life cycle of caterpillar that, experts said pests and plant diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University Suputa. ”The increased population of caterpillars is also due to the reduction in natural enemies, such as birds, parasitoids, and other predators,” he said in the discussion Pests Plague Worm Feather phenomenon in East Java, Yogyakarta, on Thursday.
According to him, due to high population, attacks caterpillars in Probolinggo, East Java, the more apprehensive. Caterpillars not only attack the leaves of mango in the district banks, Leces, Those are, and Tegalsiwalan, but also enter the house residents.”Leaves of mango varieties in the area Manalagi devour caterpillars. Mango trees live twigs and stems,” he said.
He said, the caterpillars prefer the leaves of mango Manalagi attack than other varieties of mango trees. Selection of the host caterpillars adults was carried out when laying an egg. ”The caterpillar hairs not including butterflies, but moths compatriots. Allegedly moth caterpillars that are laid eggs in cracks in the skin of the mango tree or under a leaf,” he said.
According to him, attack caterpillars are not a new phenomenon, because previous similar attacks have occurred. In fact, never happened before Java chilli plants which wilted plant yellowing due to pest attack. ”There are two species of caterpillar that attacks the leaves of mango in Probolinggo, namely arctornis sp and Lymantria atemeles Collenette. Caterpillar hairs that are nocturnal, the caterpillars are active at night,” he said.
He said no wonder that on the night often sounded like rain, and it was actually caterpillars eating the leaves of mango. ”If this worm attacks left unchecked, it will be many parties suffered losses. In addition to fear of economic losses as well,” he said.
Therefore, the control of caterpillar populations into steps that must be done immediately. Moreover, silkworm egg production capacity reaches 70-300 eggs per female worm. ”Integrated pest control by utilization of natural enemies, birds, parasitoids, UV light traps, pheromone traps and the use needs to be done,” he said.

Source. http://scienceray.com

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lenovo ThinkPad Captures UL's Environment Gold Rating UL Environment put the laptop to test for sustainable lifecycle design

Lenovo has announced that it has become the first company to earn a Gold rating for the laptop category in UL Environment’s new Sustainable Product Certification (SPC) for high-tech equipment. UL Environment tested the upcoming ThinkPad T420 laptop, to be introduced later this month, for the most stringent and prestigious of three levels of compliance.
“Becoming the first PC-maker with a UL Environment Gold-certified laptop reconfirms efforts we’ve made to green our products and advancing sustainability throughout our organization,” said Rob Taylor, director of environmental affairs, Lenovo. “Our upcoming products, like the ThinkPad T420, demonstrate that we can make high performance technology that’s environmentally responsible.”
In order to determine compliance with the IEEE 1680 sustainability standard, UL Environment assessed product documentation and records, physically examined product samples, independently tested the product for compliance to Energy Star 5.0 requirements, and conducted onsite audits of manufacturing facilities. UL Environment-certified environmental criteria include the elimination or reduction of certain hazardous substances that pose threats to human health and the environment. 

"UL’s trusted independent testing and certification program helps companies differentiate their products based on tested and validated environmental performance,” said Steve Wenc, president of UL Environment. “Companies like Lenovo that choose third-party certification to environmental standards are not only encouraging customer peace of mind, but they are raising the sustainability bar for their industry peers.”
As part of its Environmentally Conscious Products program, Lenovo built the laptop with the entire lifecycle in mind, starting with using low halogen and post-consumer recycled content (PCC). The company has used more than 9,500 metric tons of PCC since September 2005 to reduce use of raw materials. All ThinkPad laptops contain PCC with several upcoming ones containing more than 10 percent PCC. Additionally, ThinkCentre desktops and ThinkVision monitors incorporate more at roughly 65 percent on average.
To maximize energy efficiency during use, Think-branded products meet and exceed Energy Star 5.0 requirements. More than 50 Think-branded products, like the T420, are certified to meet other eco-labels including Nordic Swan and Electronics Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Gold rating. 

Source. Environmental Protection